Post about "Emotional Freedom Technique"

Using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) To Reduce Stress

As we all know, unless we’ve buried our heads like ostriches, we live in a world that is seemingly comprised of stress and more of same.In fact, many of us are so used to the stress, that when we find ourselves in nature, in a calming situation, we don’t know what to do, our ever-present companion – stress – has taken a sabbatical, and we feel as if something is amiss. But you can learn a way to take that sabbatical, take that vacation, right where you are. Here are a few facts about using the Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT to reduce stress.What Is EFT?
Before we get into the means to use EFT to reduce stress, let’s talk about what it is first. The emotional freedom technique is based upon ancient healing practices, including acupuncture and acupressure along key ley or meridian lines in the body, applied with thoroughly modern methods.But instead of applying pressure or sticking needles at key points along these ley lines, you tap on them instead, while using key phrases to help release negative emotions and then you do a positive round to instill positive and healing emotions into your body.Just like Chinese medicine operates on principles to remove energy blockages within the body, EFT operates on this same principle. The idea is that if you are experiencing stress, emotional problems, disease, or dis-ease with or with(in) your body or life in any fashion, it is because somehow, somewhere along the way, you developed a blockage. It’s as if your thought and emotions become crystallized within, settling in to cause you pain.If you were a trigger point massage therapist, you’d know where these trigger points most likely hide within your body, causing referred pain in other areas. Energy blockages operate the same way. For instance, negative parental interactions at early ages can lead to money and relationship problems.But these can be easily released by using EFT.Exactly How Does EFT Work?
Depending on the EFT practitioner you are working with, will determine what key points and ley lines you tap along, but the underlying premise is the same.There are several different variations, and variations of the variations, but the basic idea starts with tapping on the karate chop place on your hand (it doesn’t matter right or left – some EFT practitioners practice both!), moving to a place between your eyebrows (the third eye region), to the side of the eyebrow, underneath the eye, on the upper lip underneath the nose, below the mouth in the ridge between the lower lip and chin, between the collar bone area, underneath the arm, and then the crown of the head.Some prefer to tap under the breast after the collarbone and before the underarm tapping. There are those who also start with tapping the sore spot to the right or left of the collarbone. There are more convoluted versions, and it really doesn’t matter which one you use, as long as it works for you!Start with a Set-up PhraseThe tapping sequence would go something like this:
“The Setup: While continuously tapping the Karate Chop point (or the sore spot), repeat this affirmation three times: Even though I have this ____ (fear, pain, issue, etc.), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
The Sequence: Tap between 5 and 10 times on each of the following energy points while repeating the Reminder Phrase at each point:
Crown: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Eyebrow: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Side of eye: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Under eye: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Under nose: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Chin: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Collarbone: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Under arm: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Take a deep cleansing breath.”
The idea is to check in with your body, and see if there is any, if at all; remaining feelings of discomfort or dis-ease, then rate that on a scale of 0-10. You must repeat this process until you experience a sense of relief. The ideal is to bring the discomfort to a zero.In alternating rounds, you can replace the negative statements about the issue with positive ones or “affirmations” as it were. EFT tapping is done with two fingers, though I have known some to use the flat face of their palm. You can tap on either side of the body, with either hand. For the collar-bone area, find the place where your collar bones almost meet at the top of your chest, and just below that, tap that area lightly with a fist.The great thing about EFT tapping is that you don’t even have to know all the details of your problem, you can address the ill at ease feelings you have – and oftentimes just tapping through those will release the problem.It sounds silly doesn’t it? But I’ve known folks to work through some tremendous issues with these simple procedures and as for me; I use it all the time.