Video Marketing Tips: Ten Ideas to Spark Your Video Creativity

Video marketing is increasing in both popularity and effectiveness. In fact, according to statistics uncovered by Forrester Research, videos are 50 times more likely to receive organic first page ranking in Google compared with plain text documents.

Since video marketing is effective, it’s important to incorporate it into your overall content strategy mix, but it may not always be easy to come up with creative ways to use videos.

Here are 10 tips to spark your video creativity.

Video Marketing Tip #1: Educate

Use videos to educate people about your services and products. Provide details regarding the benefits and features you offer. Be sure to let them know all they will receive once they purchase the product or service.

Video Marketing Tip #2: Answer questions

Most business owners can quickly name 5 or 10 top questions they are asked frequently. Make short videos, stating the question and then answer it in the video. An ideal length for these videos is 2 – 3 minutes.

Video Marketing Tip#3: Do a product review

Are you aware of products or services that would be of interest to and benefit those in your niche? Provide honest reviews of those products and services, with a focus on their features and benefits.

Video Marketing Tip#4: Grow your list

List building is an important aspect of building your business. Use videos that encourage potential clients to provide their name and email address in exchange for a free offer such as an eBook, free consultation or assessment, a tutorial video, etc. Determine what your potential clients would find most valuable, and create your giveaway around that need.

Hint: be sure to provide top-quality content in your giveaway. It should be an example of your best work.

Video Marketing Tip #5: Talk about your case studies and results

Create videos with case studies with results of what happened when people did or did not follow your guidance. You can also use video to present testimonials from your satisfied customers.

Video Marketing Tip #6: Tell a story

People love stories! Use the power of stories to provide a practical understanding of the lessons you teach. You can also tell your own personal story in videos that let people in on what has shaped you in the past and brought you to where you are today.

Video Marketing Tip #7: Debunk myths

Every industry has myths. What are the myths in your industry? Include real examples in your videos to debunk those myths.

Video Marketing tip #8: Take your viewers behind the scenes

People love doing business with real people. Video is a great way to give people a peek into your real world. When appropriate, give people a glimpse into your personal or family life, and look for ways to use videos to let people in on some of the secrets of your business, such as how you organize your work flow.

Video Marketing Tip #9: Ask questions and answer them

Videos are a great place to answer questions for your viewers. Don’t just answer the questions for your readers; also ask your readers to provide their own answers to the same questions in the comments section. That can lead to an interactive discussion of your topic.

Video Marketing Tip #10: Additional video opportunities

While videoing yourself is a natural way to use video, there are a lot of other great things you can do such as screen captures (using Screenflow for Macs or Camtasia if you have a PC). You can also use slide shows created in PowerPoint or Keynote.

Video marketing may be a bit intimidating at first. Keep in mind that it isn’t necessary to be perfect. Although you may want to redo your video a few times, don’t allow perfectionism to slow you down.

Here’s my personal challenge to you: If you’re new to video, and a bit intimidated by it, make a commitment to record your first video within the next 24 hours. Just do it! The longer you procrastinate on this, the further behind your competition you will be.

10 Ways to Prevent Accidents at Work

1. Ensure you have had a good nights sleep and are awake and alert at all times. Lack of concentration can easily cause you to have an accident whilst at work.2. Wear the required uniform and protective wear. If you have not been given the correct uniform or protective wear to carry out your job, speak to your employer. It is their duty to make sure you are working within a safe environment.3. Participate in any emergency drills that take place and be aware of how and why they are being carried out. Emergency drills are also enforced to prevent accidents occurring.4. If you cause or spot any spillages or obstructions on the floor, clean them up straight away to prevent any slip, trip or fall accidents.5. If you have not received the relevant training if necessary, speak to your employers or supervisor. Do not use any form equipment that you do not know how to use.6. Be aware of the safety program within your workplace and ensure that you adhere to it.7. If you see any electrical appliances that might look faulty, make sure you inform your employer.8. Safety signs & posters should be highly visible within the workplace, be aware of these in order to avoid a personal injury from occurring.9. A first aider is also responsible for monitoring possible hazards at work. If you have had a work accident, make sure it is recorded in the accident book. This for your own safety and to prevent others from having an accident at work similar to yours.10. It’s your employers duty to ensure the health and safety of their employees to prevent accidents occurring and potentially making an accident at work compensation claim with a personal injury solicitor.

Tricks With Photography

With the advent of mobile cameras, photography has become one of the fastest growing hobbies. You are now just a click away from a moment that can be savored for the rest of your life. With Apps such as Instagram, you can make your pictures look like a professional’s work but what you can’t really achieve that a professional can is – Trick Photography. The spectacular imagery just seems beyond your grasp. Isn’t it..Well good news… Tricks with photography can look very imaginative and stimulating, but is not very technical and heavy on your pocket. It is basically the combination of your creativity and basic tools of a camera. Digital cameras are all automated to aim and shoot. However if you switch to its manual mode, it opens up the gate to innumerable possibilities that can be created from a simple DLSR camera. Simple manipulations with exposure and shutter speed create magical results. Forced perspectives give rise to many incredible pictures which doesn’t need big money to produce such results.• Perspective effects: Perspective photography means cheating with the foreground and background subjects to create some interesting compositions. The merging of both the subjects create some interesting funny pictures for e.g. A little baby playing with the real Eiffel Tower or a man blowing white clouds in the sky from his mouth. High millimeter lenses diminish the depth between the foreground and background forcing the perspective producing flat 2 D imagery. Bokehs are also very popular perspective tricks.• Exposure Techniques: It basically means the exposure to light to the camera sensor while shooting the subject. It is also related to the time the shutter is open. Here the nature of light is very important. Long and short exposures produce different results. Add to that the different shutter speeds, the permutations become endless. A very common and effective effect is the light trail. Light trail happens when you expose it for a longer period and move your light randomly in any direction. The results are fantastic like graphic designs. Here the imagination is the key as the possibilities are infinite.• Locking the Camera: Lock the camera and start clicking various pictures of the subject and different depths and angles. Then with the help of Photoshop, merge the masked layers of the subjects in each shot thus producing Multiplicity effect. Same technique goes with the Levitating Effect, Flying Effect. Again here the options are endless.• HDR and Infra Red Photography: High Dynamic Range photography is the in thing today. The HDR images carry a great range of brightness and contrast levels. One can mix the images of the same scene shot at various exposure levels. The images look rich and is actually impossible to shoot with a single shot keeping the exposure levels nearly same at all spots of the picture like the sky and the foreground. Infra red Photography is the another technique which produce surreal dreamlike images. Here a filter is used to block the visible light. DSLR’s come with infra red blockers. But with filters one can achieve magical results.• Special Effects with Photoshop: I personally don’t consider this segment as trick photography as it is a technique used after shooting the picture. This is more of a post production work. However today mostly all the photographs are manipulated, composited and enhanced using Photoshop. This makes trick photography very affordable as one can almost produce dynamic result sitting on his home desktop.Tricks with photography are no longer beyond ones reach. With just some imagination and practice one can attain magical results. So go ahead. Flash your best photobooks with your tricky mindboggling photos and some brownies.

Can I Insure A Vehicle That Is Not Titled In My Name?

I think that this question comes up a lot. Some people drive cars that are their parents or a friend will let them drive a car that they own. It’s going to depend a lot on the Insurance Company in this situation. I have heard that most insurance companies do not allow you to insure a vehicle that you do not own. Each insurance company has its own rules so it’s good to check around and ask if it’s allowed or not. At the company I previously worked for it was allowed in some cases. It was allowed with an “Owned By Endorsement.”What’s An Owned By Endorsement?
An owned by endorsement is something that you can add to an insurance policy to allow you to insure the vehicle if it’s not titled in your name. Typically you need to have insurable interest in something in order to insure it. Insurable Interest is when you would have a financial loss if something happens to whatever it is that you’re insuring like a car or home. The owned by endorsement actually adds the titled owner of the vehicle to your insurance policy. They are listed as the owner of the vehicle and therefore would be the ones who receive any payout on any claims if there were any. Since you’re not the owner you wouldn’t be out anything if the vehicle were to be involved in an accident and totaled out. But the owner of the vehicle would be since they own the vehicle.When you add an owned by endorsement to your policy they will run the owner’s information as well. They have to be able to qualify for insurance too. So if they have a poor driving record and wouldn’t normally qualify for insurance then you won’t be able to get insurance on the vehicle either. Why? Because if they own it, they can drive it whenever they want to. They are a liability risk too. You might be the rated driver on the policy and the one paying the insurance premiums but it is in fact their vehicle.Can My Parents Insure My Vehicle?
Everyone knows that this happens all the time. You live with your parents and you have your insurance under their policy and sometimes even in their name because it’s often cheaper. Just because it happens all the time doesn’t mean that it’s always allowed. If you’re the titled owner on your vehicle and you’re the one driving your vehicle then you should have the insurance in your name. Now maybe you’re away at college and you don’t need your vehicle, so you’re letting your parents drive it and insure it. They should be able to add an owned by endorsement to the policy for you (assuming you qualify). Do keep in mind, that you’re liable for whatever they do with that vehicle though, because you do own it.I Drive My Parent’s Vehicle, Can I Stay On their Policy?
If your living with your parents and you’re on their insurance policy then it’s usually not a big deal. You would want to make sure that you’re the rated driver listed on the policy for the vehicle that you’re actually driving, but the fact that it’s in their name usually won’t matter. They are liable however, for anything that you do in that vehicle.It usually becomes an issue with insurance companies when you’re not living with mom and dad. Your insurance policy usually covers the named insured (person named on the policy) and all resident relatives living with you. So that’s why it doesn’t matter whose name is on the insurance when you’re living with mom and dad. But, if you’re not living with them, then you’re no longer a “resident relative” and certain parts of the policy might not fully extend to you. It’s just a good thing to ask the insurance company about to make sure you’re fully covered. You wouldn’t want to be in an accident and find out that the medical doesn’t extend to you because you’re no longer a “resident relative”. So it’s just best to be 100% sure!Is It Cheaper To Be On My Parents Insurance?
It just depends on the driving record of all the individuals involved. Sometimes it can be cheaper to stay on your parents insurance because they might be getting a multiple line discount if they have other cars and their home insured together. Sometimes it can be cheaper to branch off of their policy into your own. I definitely saw a lot of scenarios while I was working in the Insurance Industry, but this question seemed to come up the most.Maybe you have a clean driving record but mom has had an accident and dad has a couple tickets, then you could be paying more for your insurance than you would be paying for if you were on your own policy. It’s a good thing to just have them quote you. It only takes a few minutes for them to quote you your own policy. I know at the company I worked for you were even able to transfer your “longevity” discount with you. A Longevity discount is called all sorts of things, but it’s basically a discount that the insurance company will give you for staying with them for a long period of time and being accident free. At the company I worked for, they were called Accident Free Discounts. They ran like this: 3 Years, 6 Years and 10 or more years. If you had been with the company for 3 years and did not have an accident then you received a 10% discount on your auto insurance, If it was 6-9 years then you received a 15% discount, and 10 or more was a 20% discount.Parents were also allowed to assign over an AFD (Accident Free Discount) that they had accumulated on their policy. So say your parents had a vehicle insured for 5 years, then you start driving and after 5 years you decide to get your own policy, they could carry over that 10 year AFD to your policy. A nice way to help lower your premium when you’re a young driver too!There are a lot of What If’s and different scenarios that come up when discussing insuring a vehicle that’s not titled in your name. Like I mentioned before, each insurance company can make their own rules and their own endorsements. There are all sorts of them out there, several that I have not even covered. UNOC (Use of Non-Owned Car) for example. So it’s best to talk to your insurance agent so they can help you determine exactly what type of coverages that you need. You don’t want to have a claim and find out that you “Should of Carried” something that you didn’t have.I’m sure there are several questions regarding these topics discussed. If you have any questions just let me know and I’ll do my best to get you an answer.

Education Issues and The Politics of Standardized Testing Considered

Not long ago, there was an interesting piece in Newsweek on the reality US education versus the rest of the world. The article was written by Robert Samuelson, and he touched on a few very interesting points. Namely, if we separate out the ESL Hispanic test scores and the low-African American test scores then the US test scores when pitted against all of Europe, Canada, etc., actually come out the same or better. And if we take the Asian American students and put them up against China, Japan, South Korea, etc., the come out right in the same ball-park.Now then, so you can follow along on my comments, I surely hope you will go read this article in Newsweek; “A Different View of The Education Dilemma” by Robert Samuelson. Then come back to my article here and let’s have an honest and frank discussion without the political correctness shall we; Deal? And while you are at it, please also read the article; “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua published in the Wall Street Journal on January 8-9, 2011.Okay so, Robert Samuelson said some things which are not politically correct, and it is sure to cause a stir, but of course he’s right, we know he’s right – that is observable. It may not be observable on an individual basis, but percentage wise it certainly makes perfect sense. Still, I have a few points of contention. Namely, I do not feel the US should be anything but Number 1 in everything!So, even if we separate out all the ESL Kids, and Black Kids from the survey, our Non-Hispanic or Anglos are not number 1 according to his article and data references and they should be! However, with regards to those cited surveys – I do not trust ANY survey done by the OCED, or coming out of Belgium or Paris, I don’t trust such surveys.Why you ask, well it is my opinion that the French cannot even win their own bicycle race, and are busy selling military assets representing the strength of NATO to Russia – so I I am not sure I believe or even really care what they have to say. Often I feel as if they’d say anything to put themselves ahead of the US and themselves on podiums and pedestals.Now then, I’d hate to see the “No Child Left Behind” turn into a mandate for “No Child Allowed to Advance” with regards to those kids who excel for whatever reason, be it genetic expression, positive family role models, or sheer will. Each individual child excels at different times in their physiological and mental development in various areas of math, abstract thought, reading, and creativity – when they are ready and start to excel, let them go conquer that niche, express themselves, and move forward, as they are able, help them find their niche and succeed.Indeed, these skills will transfer to all other areas of their development. Success skills are similar in all areas of human endeavor, holding them back is pure evil, it’s like putting a child in a room with nothing but blank walls.Let’s talk about that WSJ article with regards to Chinese Moms, I believe it is correct, and Asian families push their kids harder, not just to be in the top tier of the class, but to be the best in every class. That to me seems “so American” in thinking, why aren’t white anglo parents doing the same, or Hispanic or Black parents? You see, there is nothing wrong with being number one.In fact, I was talking to a teacher out of North Las Vegas many years back, and she was new, loved her job and went to each student’s home to meet the parents and she could tell which kids would excel and which would have problems in reading based on the number of books and magazines lying around and the number of book shelves in the home.She’s right, that’s “real world” too, and perhaps this is why I am not surprised with anything in that Newsweek article. The only question is what to do about it? It seems that the politics behind academia is often in denial, and the political correctness, lawsuits, politicians, parents, and unions all have demands that are unfortunately counter-productive to simple solutions. Please consider all this.

What Can You Gain From Automotive Mechanic Courses?

Do you dream about working on cars? Love getting under the hood? A career as a mechanic may be the perfect fit for you.Automotive mechanic training programs will give you the skills you need to turn your passion for cars into a steady, rewarding auto repair career. Automotive mechanic graduates can go on to apprenticeships in some of the most successful automotive repair and service facilities in the province.Intensive diploma programs are designed to fully immerse the student into the role of an Automotive Service Technician. Instructors are often industry professionals with real world knowledge, who can execute an industry specific automotive mechanic training curriculum based on core industry components. Automotive Mechanic training programs rang from technical automotive theory, to diagnostics, to actually engaging in the repair and maintenance of automobiles (fixing cars), allowing student the chance to understand and retain the knowledge and skills needed to become competitive in the auto mechanic industry.Because of the varied nature of the profession, auto mechanic training programs are often very comprehensive in scope. Areas of study may include:
Brake Systems
ABS Systems
Starting Systems
Electrical Systems
Drivability Diagnostics
Fuel Systems
Fuel Injection Systems
4×4 Systems
Computer Systems
EVAPS System
Exhaust System
Drive Clean (Inspector Certification – Emissions)
Heating & Air Conditioning
Ozone Depletion Certification (HRIA
Safety & Accessory Systems
General Maintenance Services
Engines (Gas & Diesel)
Transmissions (Automatic & Manual)
Driveline Systems
Cooling Systems
Ignition Systems
Tire & Wheel Service
Repair Facility Dynamics Structure
Professional Protocol
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Performance Standards
Effective Communication SkillsAside from gaining experience and knowledge in these areas, you will have the opportunity to be certified as an emissions inspector, and licensed to handle air conditioning refrigerants under your regional prevention rules, regulations and programs. These certifications, a necessity for many automotive mechanic jobs, will give you a definite edge in today’s repair and service job market.Graduates from comprehensive auto mechanic courses have found careers as:
Emissions Inspectors
Lube Specialists
Automotive Service Technician Apprentices
Farm Equipment Apprentices
Truck and Coach Mechanic Apprentices
Parts Counter
Forklift Mechanic Apprentices
Muffler Specialists
Front End Technicians
Electrical Specialists
Engine Technicians
Fuel Specialists
Tune Up Technicians
Emissions Specialists
Transmission Specialists
Hybrid and Fuel Cell Technicians
Performance Specialists
Automotive Service Technicians
Journeyman Mechanics
Service Managers
Assistant Managers
Shop Foremen
Shop Managers or OwnersTurn your passion for cars into a rewarding, long-lasting career. Get started today in the auto mechanic industry with an intensive automotive mechanic training program.

Tips for Buying Kitchen Furniture and Accessories

A perfect kitchen furniture is not bought because it just looks beautiful in the furniture shop just to find out that when you brought it in your house it looks ugly in your kitchen, and what’s worse is that your family members are not happy about it.What does it take to find a perfect kitchen furniture? All we need is just 5 easy steps.1. Ask what are your family’s preference.The kitchen, like all other parts of the home, has to be decided as a family, not an individual because all the members of the family use and benefit all that there is inside the home. Ask your family members what furniture should be bought. If two or more declines on your choice ask why, then change your preference if they are correct. This is to make sure that no changes will happen after you bought the kitchen furniture and also helps you with your budget.2. Measure the size of your kitchen.Measure the area of your kitchen then bring it with you when you are buying your kitchen furniture. For a hassle free buying, draw a layout of your kitchen to visualize the actual location of your chosen furniture.
If you are to replace your old kitchen furniture, measure the size of the furniture to match the replacement furniture that you will buy.3. Prioritize essential items first.Kitchen counter, kitchen rack, and dinnerware are just some of the kitchen essentials. In order to gain idea about the essential kitchen furniture and accessories, ask yourself these questions:Is it possible if the kitchen doesn’t have it?
Can it be used for cooking?
Can it be used for preparing the food? If it does what are the usual foods that your family want?4. Choose furniture with a fireproof finishingA fireproof kitchen furniture does not keep make our kitchen be immune in fire but it helps keep the fire from starting by preventing smaller flames to spread out. Fireproof kitchen furniture are expensive but it pays to be prepared.5. The furniture should match the kitchen theme.Creating a new kitchen or doing some kitchen improvements? It pays to keep the whole kitchen setup clean. Do not just buy a furniture or accessory because it looks beautiful when you see it in the store. Match the theme of your current kitchen so that the furniture or accessory will not look out-of-place. A furniture or accessory, no matter how beautiful it is, will look ugly if it is not a match to an organized theme.

Using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) To Reduce Stress

As we all know, unless we’ve buried our heads like ostriches, we live in a world that is seemingly comprised of stress and more of same.In fact, many of us are so used to the stress, that when we find ourselves in nature, in a calming situation, we don’t know what to do, our ever-present companion – stress – has taken a sabbatical, and we feel as if something is amiss. But you can learn a way to take that sabbatical, take that vacation, right where you are. Here are a few facts about using the Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT to reduce stress.What Is EFT?
Before we get into the means to use EFT to reduce stress, let’s talk about what it is first. The emotional freedom technique is based upon ancient healing practices, including acupuncture and acupressure along key ley or meridian lines in the body, applied with thoroughly modern methods.But instead of applying pressure or sticking needles at key points along these ley lines, you tap on them instead, while using key phrases to help release negative emotions and then you do a positive round to instill positive and healing emotions into your body.Just like Chinese medicine operates on principles to remove energy blockages within the body, EFT operates on this same principle. The idea is that if you are experiencing stress, emotional problems, disease, or dis-ease with or with(in) your body or life in any fashion, it is because somehow, somewhere along the way, you developed a blockage. It’s as if your thought and emotions become crystallized within, settling in to cause you pain.If you were a trigger point massage therapist, you’d know where these trigger points most likely hide within your body, causing referred pain in other areas. Energy blockages operate the same way. For instance, negative parental interactions at early ages can lead to money and relationship problems.But these can be easily released by using EFT.Exactly How Does EFT Work?
Depending on the EFT practitioner you are working with, will determine what key points and ley lines you tap along, but the underlying premise is the same.There are several different variations, and variations of the variations, but the basic idea starts with tapping on the karate chop place on your hand (it doesn’t matter right or left – some EFT practitioners practice both!), moving to a place between your eyebrows (the third eye region), to the side of the eyebrow, underneath the eye, on the upper lip underneath the nose, below the mouth in the ridge between the lower lip and chin, between the collar bone area, underneath the arm, and then the crown of the head.Some prefer to tap under the breast after the collarbone and before the underarm tapping. There are those who also start with tapping the sore spot to the right or left of the collarbone. There are more convoluted versions, and it really doesn’t matter which one you use, as long as it works for you!Start with a Set-up PhraseThe tapping sequence would go something like this:
“The Setup: While continuously tapping the Karate Chop point (or the sore spot), repeat this affirmation three times: Even though I have this ____ (fear, pain, issue, etc.), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
The Sequence: Tap between 5 and 10 times on each of the following energy points while repeating the Reminder Phrase at each point:
Crown: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Eyebrow: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Side of eye: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Under eye: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Under nose: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Chin: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Collarbone: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Under arm: Even though I have (this issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Take a deep cleansing breath.”
The idea is to check in with your body, and see if there is any, if at all; remaining feelings of discomfort or dis-ease, then rate that on a scale of 0-10. You must repeat this process until you experience a sense of relief. The ideal is to bring the discomfort to a zero.In alternating rounds, you can replace the negative statements about the issue with positive ones or “affirmations” as it were. EFT tapping is done with two fingers, though I have known some to use the flat face of their palm. You can tap on either side of the body, with either hand. For the collar-bone area, find the place where your collar bones almost meet at the top of your chest, and just below that, tap that area lightly with a fist.The great thing about EFT tapping is that you don’t even have to know all the details of your problem, you can address the ill at ease feelings you have – and oftentimes just tapping through those will release the problem.It sounds silly doesn’t it? But I’ve known folks to work through some tremendous issues with these simple procedures and as for me; I use it all the time.

Making a Good Amount of Money Online

So if you have been looking for ways to make money online it might have happened that you have found the information you were looking for. There are many people who are looking for a way to make money online, it might be their way of making a change in their life or there might also be people who are just looking for a way to pay for their bills or whatever it may be. Either way it is their way of helping themselves or somebody else. There are many programs out there which are promising this or that program to give you ways to make money online.If you are new to this idea of making money online, you may ask who am I? This article will answer your questions on why you should trust me. My name is Mark Ling, I am 61 years old and a veteran to many things. My internet income has been a steady stream for over 12 years and counting.So if you are looking for ways to make a good amount of money online with ways to pay for it online, you can trust me for sure. I will guide you to my knowledge and my track record of success. This article is designed to guide you to the way to make a good amount of money online with ways to pay for it online.One question you might be asking and that is who am I? My name is Mark Ling and I am a successful internet marketer.I am the man who has sold hundreds of thousands of products and services via the internet. I have made a good amount of money and I have made even more. I have sold and shipped products for both big and small companies online.You may ask where the need of making a good amount of money, when I have been doing this for so long and making a good amount of money has not become a problem. Well, you know I have made so much money online that my wife and I have found ourselves some down times here and there, but I have always been able to handle it.Please keep in mind I am not claiming I am a miracle worker. In order to make a good amount of money online, you have to be patient and dedicated. The secret to making lots of money is by making use of the right information and track record.You also need to be careful, you have to be able to predict what is going to happen and be able to capitalise on it.When it comes to making a good amount of money online, you have to be resourceful and creative, I have come across many scams online and there are plenty of people who will scam you if you are not careful.The best advice I can give you is to learn online marketing, you have to be dedicated and knowledgeable before you go into any business. If you truly want to make a lot of money online, you will want to learn the best training programs available.